EFP Request

EFP Request (2024/2025)

EFP ID: EFP-202425-02464

* Mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk.

Client/Farm Information

(if your farm is below the CRA threshold, and you do not have a business number please put n/a)
(if present)
(nearest city/town where the project is located)

Operation Details

(if you have previously completed an EFP)
To find your 6-digit NAICS code, please visit www.iafbc.ca/naics-code/.
Yes No

EFP Advisor

Yes No
Select Yes to request a specific EFP Advisor be assigned to your farm - dependent on availability.

Contact Preferences

Demographic Information

As this program is funded under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, you are required to provide additional demographic information. The demographic information is collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and must be done prior to submitting your request.

To provide your demographic information: Scroll up to the top of the page and copy your EFP ID (it will resemble EFP-202425-00000). You will need this ID to complete the Ministry's form.

To provide your demographic information copy your EFP ID: EFP-202425-02464. You will need this ID to complete the Ministry's form.

Visit AF Demographic Data Collection Survey

Once the form is complete, copy the Ministry’s confirmation number and enter it in the field below. It should look something like this AB123456.

Demographic information will not be used to assess eligibility for the program.

Terms & Conditions

IAF and the Client agree:

  1. The Request is accurately set out. There are no other representations or agreements, implied or otherwise.
  2. Submitting an EFP request creates no obligation on the part of IAF to provide services.
  3. All information provided by the Client will be collected and used by IAF; and may be shared with third parties as IAF deems fit.
  4. Time is of the essence.


I declare that I am fully authorized to represent and therefore submit information on behalf of the organization this request form is referring to. I also declare, on behalf of the organization I am representing, the information provided in this request is true and correct in every respect. I acknowledge that the completion and submission of this EFP request does not guarantee that my organization will receive an Environmental Farm Plan. I have read the terms and conditions provided in this request and I agree to comply with them.

Release and Indemnity

The Client releases IAF, its directors, officers , employees and contractors (collectively “IAF Parties” and each an “IAF Party”) from any liability for loss, injury or damages of any kind whatsoever that may result, directly or indirectly, from the Services and related activities, and indemnifies and saves harmless each IAF Party from demands and claims for loss, injury or damages of any kind whatsoever that may be advanced by any person, Third Party Worker or otherwise, retained or hired by the Client or is associated with the Client, whether as employee, contractor, agent or in any other capacity and who performs all or any part of the Services or related activities. This Release and Indemnity survives any reduction or canceling of funding and cancellation of this Agreement.

Demographic Information Terms

Your personal information is collected under section 26(c) and 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purposes of evaluating applications and for the planning and evaluating of the S-CAP Ministry Program. The demographic information you provide is voluntary and will not be used to assess your eligibility for this program. Each individual understands the purposes of the collection, use, and disclosure of their demographic personal information. The information you provide will be shared with the federal government to fulfill the provincial obligations under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (S-CAP) bilateral agreement. It may be combined with other survey or administrative data sources and used for statistical, research and evaluation purposes. If any information is published, your responses will be combined with the responses of others so that you cannot be identified.